Thursday 11 November 2010

NME Contents Page Research

Here i am going to analysis the contents page of the magazine 'NME.'

The first thing in this contents page what gets my attentions is the masthead, main sub title and main image. The masthead stands out mainly because of it's font size, which is the largest presented on the page, the producer will have done this to inform the reader that it is a weekly issue due to it saying 'THIS WEEK.'  Placed underneath the masthead is a very small banner stating the date of the issue and is therefor an informative piece of text. Another main section of the page is the editorial, which is placed directly in the middle of the page and contains large/bold fonts and images to attract attention. Beneath the editorial is a small advertisement benefiting the magazine because the magazine are advertising their self for subscriptions and claiming you save 33% which could result in more purchases of the magazine. Down the left hand side of the page is a 'band index' which makes the magazine unique because not many other magazine contain this kind of information, the background of the section is red, and the text has been highlighted white, to allow it to stand out from the background. Placed beside the band names is then a page number in a different colour to everything on the page so that the numbers are separated from the text to make it clear to the reader. Down the right hand side of the page is all the other necessary information which is needed for the readers, to allow them to know where everything is within the magazine. The subtitles for this section are separated from the informative text below it by the font and background, for example the subtitles are colour white on a black background, then beneath them is just a plain black coloured font stating the necessary information.

The camera angles which have been used for the images make it seem as thought you're part of the audience, watching the performers onstage which give a very realistic feel to the magazine. The contents page of this magazine cover seems to have a colour scheme, which is red and white, commonly used by NME. The layout makes it easy for the readers to navigate the page without becoming confused.

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