Wednesday 9 February 2011

iDJ Double Page Spread Research (3)

Here is an analysis of a double page spread contained within the magazine 'iDJ'. The things which are going to be analysed are the factors which benefit and don't benefit the article, and this will help me with creating my own double page spread.

The first piece what catches my attention on this double page spread it the main image, which is similar to many other double page spreads which was researched. The main image has been placed as the background for the double page spread which creates a more attractive page all round. The background is of a light grey colour, then the artist within the image is dressed in all black, with his face painted white, which allows him to stand out from the rest of the page. The colour of the text on the article is white, which again allows it to stand out from the background and the main image, separating the two. The double page spread being analysed is the one which is advertised on the front page, which means many people could have bought this magazine just to read this particular article. The shot which has been used for the image is a medium close up, focusing on the main features of the character within the image. Although there isn't a particularly obvious setting for the background, there are still features which may interest the audience, for example, the character is being showered with water to show he has power, and it also creates a stereotypical image of him because of the genre of music which he produces. The font which has been used for the main headline on the page relates to the characters genre of music, and maybe his personality, which seems to be punk. This is again why the dark colours have been used for this article. The article carries a particular colour scheme to allow the page to co-ordinate correctly, for example, only grey, white and black have been used because they all fit together, whereas if these colours was used aswell as bright colours such as yellow the colour scheme wouldn't be particularly suited for the article.

The ideology for this magazine is again to inspire the audience and to represent the character in the article as someone you would like to be like. Many people who read or are interested in this article will be somewhat like the character in the article, whether it's their sense of music or their personality.

The target audience for the article would be those interested in the genre of music which is being discussed within the article. Also those who maybe share similiar opinions to the person which is in the article.

Overall, the various features which have been included on the page represent the genre of music and the band member by using certain techniques. The page could have been made to look more interesting by maybe adding a slightly more interesting image with preferably more colours which would of suited the colour scheme well and something could have been added to the characters costume to also make him look more interesting rather than just wearing a black outfit with a white painted face, but the producer has done the image like that because it represents the article. The page has been set out fairly well, with the text being placed to the left hand side, then the character on the right, as though he's looking at the text. But overall, the page is fairly good compared to how some other double page spreads have been represented which was researched.

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