Wednesday 8 December 2010

iDJ Magazine Cover Research (3)

Here i am analysing the magazine cover of iDJ, i have chose to analyse this magazine because it contrasts with my research from other magazine due to their genres.

The first thing on this front cover which attracts attention to the audience would be the masthead and main cover line. Although for most magazine, the masthead is the first thing which is looked at, but the main cover line attracts just as much attention. The selling line is placed below the mast head, which is a short description of the masthead. The font colour of he mast head is white, making it contrast with the background, which is coloured black. The main cover line ties in the the background because the font is the same as the lighting in the background. The background suggests the models are at a rave, which are very common social places for people who enjoy the genre of music in this magazine. Only the silhouettes of the models are visible on the main image, this may be because of the setting which they want to be represented to the audience. The selling line beneath the main cover line is encouraging the reader to buy the magazine because it insinuates that the information which is included within the magazine can't be read in any other magazines but this one. The other selling lines beneath the main cover line follow a particular colour scheme which seperates subtitles from following information which encourages the reader to read on. A banner is placed at the top of the magazine, which is again is encouraging the reader to buy the magazine to think that they're going to win something from buying the magazine. The banner has been made to stand out from other selling lines because it has a burgandy background, which has only been placed once more at the bottom of the magazine, so it has been seperated from all other information. At the bottom of the magazine is the second banner, which contains a piece of text saying 'The DJ & Dance Producer's Bible' which insinuates that you only really read the magazine if you're really into this genre of music, due to it being referred to as a 'bible'.

The main image for the cover has been created to catch the audiences attentions and to inspire them, for example, the rave scene in this image will encourage readers to attend particular events like these, and the main image refers to the genre of music presented in the magazine. All of the various selling lines on the cover have been placed around the image, so that all the attention is attracted to the main image, except the main selling line quoting 'orbital' which is placed almost on top of the image because its been made to look like it's part of the image itself. The whole settings of the image on the front cover also allows the audience to feel part of it because of the eye contact the characters are giving, although this is not obvious, you can tell that they're looking at the reader.

The magazine has been presented to suit their ideal target audience, and in iDJ's case, their target audience is based on the music genre, which is dance/electro, which also again explains the setting of the main image. The various selling lines also suit the target audience because of the types of events and DJ's mentioned on them. The magazine has targeted those of a high economic spending power due to the price of the magazine being almost £4. Although this is a monthly issued magazine, it is still high in price for those of a lower or working class, who may not be able to afford this. The social classes relate to the events which are presented in the magazine because the events are mostly expensive ones, which only those of a higher class would be able to afford.

Overall, the magazine cover has used affective ways to allow the opinions to be made by the audience and also to reflect the genre of music. The producers has used certain techniques which make the main image seem very realistic and give the audience a real feel of what it is like to like that genre of music and the things that are involved with the liking of the genre of music.

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