Thursday 16 December 2010

Q Double Page Spread Research (2)

Here I am going to analyse a double page spread from the magazine 'Q', analysing double page spreads such as this one will help me with the making of my own double page spread and allow me to gain various ideas on what I want to contain on my double page spread.

This double page spreads differentiates from other double page spreads because the main image takes up the whole of the page, and the text is then placed on top in a contrasting colour to the background, whilst also managing to stick with a particular colour scheme. Through research, it has been found that it is very common for Q to use the text placed on to of full image for their double page spreads and the majority found did have a full image with the article text placed on top in the contrasting colour.

The main image has been taken in medium shot, and the mise-en-scene is a prison line-up, creating a certain image of the characters, which is making them look rebellious. The characters in the shot look arrogant and stuck up, which allows the setting and their selves to come together to create a whole representation of the band. The photograph has been taken as the band members are revealing themselves in a mid action shot, suggesting that they have a dark side to them. The main headline for the page has been put in the same colour as the whole article, which doesn't separate the text from the headline much, but they've used font size as a different technique. 'New to Q' is headline placed at the top of the left page, and is also a regular feature, it is coloured red, which is the typical well known colour for Q.

The institution for Q is 'EMAP' and is a large global company which also institutes a large number of other magazines, giving Q a reliable institution that is beneficial for them. 

The ideology for the magazine has again been presented, like other magazines, to inspire their target audience to be like the band members. They're dressed in a particular way to make the readers aware of their dress sense so that they think it's cool and start dressing like that too, creating a stereotype of people like this. The whole idea of rebellion in the image is given off because of the mise-en-scene and attitudes of the characters, and this reflects their genre music to make it seem as though everyone who produces or listens to that music genre is like the stereotype associated with it.

The target audience for this magazine would be those interested in the genre of music presented throughout the whole magazine, and in this case it is alternative music. The majority of the readers would have to enjoy the music discussed in the magazine to be interested in what's in the magazine.

Overall, the various techniques and features in the magazine create a certain image of the band, which is then passed on the the audience in an effective way. Like most other double page spreads, other colours could have been added to the page to make certain features stand out, but because of the background being the main image, it would have been tricky to have tied in the different colours so that it suited the theme of the page.

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