Thursday 16 December 2010

NME Double Page Spread Research

This is a double page spread for the magazine 'NME,' which are a very popular music magazine produced weekly in the UK.

The first thing which stands out to a reader of the magazine would be the main image, which is placed on the left hand side, placed on top of the page is a main headline quoting 'The Chapman Family.' The characters on the image have been presented to look like a stereotypical family, hence the main headline saying 'The Chapman Family', but with a difference, there is no variation in ages. The setting of the main image seems to be in a typical family home, but there is a lot more members than the average family, also the variation of ages which makes it unique compared to a stereotypical family.

The text from the double page spread has been placed on the right hand side, and has been laid out very traditionally and there is nothing fancy about the layout of it. Like the majority of magazines, there has been a quote placed randomly in the middle of the text, this is to create encouragement for the reader to read the full article and not just look at the images. The main image has been placed on the right hand side and is the first place where the reader will look before reading the article itself. The image seems to follow a particular theme, which allows the text to tie in with it. The text doesn't look like it's purposely been placed their giving off the impression that it's part of the image and not a separate feature. The main image also looks like the setting hasn't been purposely created for the image and it looks as though it's just been taken in the spare of the moment.  Above the main image is a brief description of the article, which the reader would usually read first, and has been written to again encourage them to carry on reading throughout the article.

The language presented in the double page spread makes the characters in the main image look inspirational, and allow the audience to want to be like them. The camera angle used by the photographer is a group medium long shot, which has been used so that all the characters could be included in the shot and also so that the scene could be included.

Throughout the page, a colour scheme has been created, which contains a couple of colours and allows the page to look professional rather than containing alot of various colours, which would make the page look very unprofessional and as though it had been created by a child.

The target audience for this double page spread would be those interested in similiar music to what the characters would listen to and those who would have similiar interest as the characters in the main image. This is because the characters have been presented as aspirational, which encourages the audience to want to be like them.

Representations have been created in the double page spread to reflect the target audience, for example the style of the characters in the main image and their taste in music. The representations will also influence the audience on things such as what they listen to, what they dress like etc.

Overall, the double page spread is very plain and the only feature which attracts the audience to them is the main image, which is what most double page spreads do anyway. A wider variation of colours could have possibly been used to attract attention to other certain features but the page seems very limited on what it contains image wise.

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